Simon Welker

Center for Free-Electron Laser Science
Notkestraße 85 (Building 99)
22607 Hamburg
Room: O3.074



Phase Retrieval in Imaging and Speech Enhancement
Supervisors: Prof. Henry Chapman (DESY, UHH), Prof. Timo Gerkmann (UHH)

Simon studied Computing in Science (BSc) and Bioinformatics (MSc) at the University of Hamburg. Having found the interdisciplinary area between informatics/data science and the natural sciences uniquely interesting and exciting, he wrote his Master’s thesis about machine learning methods for phase retrieval in X-ray imaging, based on publications from speech processing.
In his PhD project, Simon aims to continue with and extend this work. He aims to develop novel phase retrieval methods that are robust to the challenges encountered in X-ray imaging and speech processing, by building upon research from both application domains as well as recent advances in machine learning.