Associate Membership

Who can apply? All graduate students affiliated to our partner institutions (see here for an overview) working on interdisciplinary data science projects can apply if at least one of their supervisors is a DASHH Principal Investigator and approves of the application.

What are the benefits? With an associate DASHH membership in Data Science in Hamburg | Helmholtz Graduate School for the Structure of Matter (DASHH) you benefit from all offers by our partner institutions and Helmholtz and get the latest news about Data Science events in Hamburg and beyond. You are eligible to participate in events, courses and hackathons and apply for the exchange programs offered by the Helmholtz Information & Data Science Academy (HIDA). Become part of the growing community doing interdisciplinary data science research!
You might also (if wanted) complete the DASHH graduate program and obtain a Transcript of Records of your activities during your PhD studies.

What do I have to do? Simply apply by filling the form which is downloadable here and send it to dashh-office [at]

What next? The DASHH scientific advisory board will screen your application. Upon approval you will be admitted as associate DASHH fellow. You will be added to our dashh-fellows [at] mailing list and get regular updates on upcoming events. Your profile will be presented on our website. If you intend to complete the DASHH graduate program you will also get access to our PhD database where you can regularly update your records on attended lectures, courses and workshops.