Prof. Judith Simon

ZOOM Meeting

December 3rd, 2020

2 pm

Chair: Prof. Matthias Rarey


Big Data, Artificial Intelligence & Ethics

Recent advances in digital technologies in general and artificial intelligence in particular have stirred high hopes and deep fears at the same time. High expectations of great advancements in science, industry and society are confronted with equally grave concerns regarding threats to civil rights, societal values and democratic liberties posed by such technologies. As a consequence, requests have been voiced demanding the ethical design of such technologies, a trend mirrored in many recent policy papers. In my talk, I will elucidate the role ethics can play in the design of digital technologies. I will investigate various values to be considered in the design of AI systems, such as transparency and accountability, justice and fairness or privacy. At what point and in what way can these values accounted for in the processes of designing, developing and using such systems? I will conclude my talk with some remarks regarding the governance of big data and artificial intelligence.