Dynamic Flat-Field Correction: From Intensities to Full Wave Fields

DASHH Doctoral Researcher: Thea Engler

Supervisors: Prof. Christian Schroer (DESY, UHH), Dr. Johannes Hagemann (DESY), Prof. Mathias Trabs (formerly UHH)

Full-field X-ray microscopy relies on a number of simplifying assumptions which can be easily violated under real experimental conditions. One of these assumptions is the temporal stability of the illumination i.e., the illumination does not change its intensity distribution or integrated intensity over time in the imaging plane. Alas, the illumination changes either due to the generation process of the X rays or instabilities in the experimental setup. Correcting X-ray microscopy images for their illumination is often the first task of data processing. Thus, computing a fitting illumination is determinant for the final quality of the image and further analysis. Providing this correction is the main goal of this project.