Phase Retrieval for Nuclear Resonance Scattering: A Ptychographic Approach

DASHH Doctoral Researcher: Ankita Negi

Supervisors: Prof. Ralf Röhlsberger (DESY), Dr. Guido Meier (MPSD), Jun.-Prof. Christina Brandt (UHH)

Nuclear Resonance Scattering of Synchrotron Radiation (NRS) probes the hyperfine interaction of Mössbauer nuclei by measuring their radiative decay as temporal beat pattern. At present, these time spectra are interpreted with established models and fitted with software tools like CONUSS, which is fairly non-trivial. We aim to develop a ptychographic approach for solving the phase problem for NRS which will allow us to compute the complex nuclear scattering amplitudes directly in the energy domain. This will help in faster analysis and insight-building for the measured experimental data.