A Multi-Purpose Framework for Efficient Parallelized Execution of Charged Particle Tracking

DASHH Doctoral Researcher: Georgiana Mania

Supervisors:  Dr. Krisztian Peters (DESY), Dr. Nicholas Styles (DESY), Prof. Thomas Ludwig (UHH)

Complex particle tracking software used by High Energy Physics experiments already pushes the edges of computing resources with demanding requirements for speed and memory throughput, but the future experiments pose an even greater challenge. Although many supercomputers have already reached petascale capacities using many-core architectures and accelerators, many scientific applications still need to efficiently make use of the new resources. This project focuses on investigating the parallelization potential of the particle reconstruction flow and ultimately, to develop a prototype of a framework which could contribute to a smooth transition to a platform-agnostic code base which avoids duplicating implementations for different architectures, while ensuring improved performance.

Learn more in this short video.

PhD Thesis