Lars Dammann

Technische Universität Hamburg
Am Irrgarten 3-9 (Building Q)
21073 Hamburg
Room: 1.022



Water in Confined Geometries: Correlating High Resolution X-Ray Diffraction with Molecular Dynamics Simulation Data
Supervisors: Prof. Patrick Huber (DESY, TUHH), Dr. Oliver Seeck (DESY), Prof. Robert Meißner (TUHH)

Lars studied physics with focus on photon science and molecular physics at University Hamburg. After he graduated, he worked for two years as a software developer. During this time, he gained experience in the field of computer science. In the research project "Water in Confined Geometries: Correlating High Resolution X-Ray Diffraction with Molecular Dynamics Simulation Data" he can combine all aspects of his interests.
Spatial confinement of matter plays an important role in a huge variety of natural and technological processes. To unravel the question of how matter in confined spaces behaves X-ray scattering experiments in combination with Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations are well suited. To maximize the insights gained it is of importance to combine the results of both methods. However, both approaches produce immense amounts of data and the comparison of experiment and simulation is demanding and time-consuming. Therefore, efficient solutions of how X-ray scattering methods can be analyzed and combined with MD simulations should be devised. Lars is interested in the question of how to use modern approaches on machine learning and image processing to further improve and automatize the analysis of X-ray scattering experiments. In addition, he is concerned with the question of how data from Molecular Dynamics simulations and X-ray scattering experiments can be combined to maximize the robustness of both methods and the insights gained from them.

Learn more about his research here.